Simona Schiappacasse farm                 

Our history

L'Simona Schiappacasse Agricultural Company is born in Neirone (GE) thanks to me sister Paola in 2011 on family land located close to the Fontanabuona Valley near Gattorna at around 350 masl on the western slopes of the Mount Caucasus 1245m above sea level 

The agricultural activity was born by our great-grandparents, continued by our grandparents and then by our parents who have always worked the land without a commercial purpose, but only for self-sufficiency.
In addition to the classic crops of wheat, potatoes, vegetables and olive trees, Paola wanted to invent a new line by cultivating i berries.
The first experiments served to understand what type of plant it would be better adapted to the territory.

In the end what she felt better adapting more effectively to climate and soil conditions, it was that of blueberry.

In the 2019 I am took over in the company in place Of my sister Paolaalthough still both Paola and part of my family they help me.
Always in In 2019 I sowed 350 new blueberry plants, as the others were reaching the state of unproductivity that is reached around the age of ten.
Together with these I added numerous syrup rose plants.For keep fields clean of weeds we have four sheep and a donkey who help us in this very heavy and demanding task.

Who we are

"L'Farm Simona Schiappacasse yes occupies from the marketing of fresh blueberries who come collected all meticulously and exclusively by hand.

The company also grows: potatoes, courgettes, tomatoes, chard, green beans, broad beans, radishes, salad, wheat, cherries, raspberries and preserves of blueberries, raspberries, figs, chestnuts, citrus fruits as well as rose and elderberry syrups are prepared. Our flours are produced with soft wheat, corn and chestnuts from our forests.

Such products come sold mainly in the company in Neirone, in the various local markets and also with home delivery.
Recently, to continue the family tradition, a laboratory was activated in which, in addition to processing seasonal agricultural products, gastronomic tasting itineraries are offered.

The farm has prepared itself to become an "educational farm" open to all those who want to learn about the work carried out in the countryside, particularly in the vegetable garden and fields and also about coexistence with animals.
The construction site was recently inaugurated which involves the construction of six accommodations which in the future will be able to complete the agritourism accommodation project.

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  1. Annamaria Bertucci

    June 13, 2023

    Well Simona, congratulations!!
    Anch’io adoro la terra,abbiamo ulivi,bosco,coltiviamo ortaggi,patate.
    Utilizzo qualsiasi prodotto attorno a me,prebuggiun,cicoria,frutta di ogni tipo,origano, capperi,funghi…e poi marmellate,antipasti delle nostre verdure con tonno ,capperi,salsa agrodolce, conserve di pomodori,pesche sciroppate…
    È un impegno terra è bassa,l’erba cresce in fretta, razze ovunque…ma è impagabile la soddisfazione personale.
    Perciò ti auguro buon lavoro, buon anno !!!!
    Anna Bertucci Pastorino (sono la moglie di Pino)…(si,l’ho convertito a tutto ciò…)

  2. Annamaria Bertucci

    June 13, 2023

    Ah, I forgot chickens, lemons, kumquats, kiwis and some oranges.

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